Tanzu: How to install Cert-Manager into a TKG Workload Cluster

Preparing the Workload Cluster for Certificate Manager Installation

Before installing Certificate Manager (cert-manager) in your workload cluster, there are a few steps to take. These steps will ensure that the installation is successful and that the cert-manager pods run smoothly.

Step 1: Set the Context of kubectl to the Cluster

The first step is to set the context of kubectl to your workload cluster. You can do this using the command kubectl config use-context my-cluster-admin@my-cluster

Step 2: Create a K8s Namespace for Installed Packages

Next, create a K8s namespace for installed packages using the command

kubectl create ns my-packages

Step 3: List Package Repositories

List the available package repositories using the command

tanzu package repository list -A

Step 4: Install the Standard Package Repository (if necessary)

If your cluster does not have the standard package repository installed, install it using the command tanzu package repository add tanzu-standard --url projects.registry.vmware.com/tkg/packages/standard/repo:v2.2.0 --namespace tkg-system.

Step 5: Confirm Availability of the Cert-Manager Package

Confirm that the cert-manager package is available in your workload cluster using the command

tanzu package available list -A

Step 6: Install Cert-Manager

Install the cert-manager package using the command

tanzu package install cert-manager --package cert-manager.tanzu.vmware.com --namespace TARGET-NAMESPACE --version AVAILABLE-PACKAGE-VERSION

Step 7: Confirm Installation of Cert-Manager

Confirm that the cert-manager package has been installed using the command

tanzu package installed list -A

Step 8: Confirm Reconciliation of Cert-Manager App

Confirm that the cert-manager app has been successfully reconciled in your TARGET-NAMESPACE using the command

kubectl get apps -A

Step 9: Troubleshoot Any Issues

If the status is not Reconcile Succeeded, view the full status details of the cert-manager app using the command

kubectl get app cert-manager --namespace TARGET-NAMESPACE -o yaml

If troubleshooting does not help, uninstall the package before installing it again using the command tanzu package installed delete cert-manager --namespace TARGET-NAMESPACE.

Reference: Install cert-manager for Certificate Management

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